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A member registered Dec 28, 2016

Recent community posts

oh cmon! you are supposed to have at least some real life. You know - adidas, vodka, long talks with your babuskha, all of that while squatting... after all, we are both slavs, we know this. right?

So how can you reply to me within few minutes?

Hi, i was able to get stuck when killed instantly before i tried to sit in helicopter. After that, i respawned, but in the helicopter (unable to leave it) and i got shot from outside - dead. Helicopter stayed in place. Second respawn - again in helicopter, got shot, died, helicopter jumped into the sea and exploded. Third respawn, again in helicopter, got shot, died, waited until helicopter despawn, fourth respawn, empty screen like underwater but without any coast or other objects. cant do anything.

It seems to me i died in some weird form of being inside-but-not-inside of helicopter and since that, game was unable to respawn me correctly outside of the vehicle. running B5.

if this specific error is fixed in B5.1, just tell me that it was fixed. otherwise, it would be good to fix before releasing on steam. (yes, i voted for greenlight as well)

No reds left. I know there is nothing to do and that is my point. Blues should do a party or something.

Hi developers, great game. Just need to tune the end a bit... AI got stuck after we captured all 5 points: (default settings match, enabled assault and reverse mode, then bit of fight and voilaaa...)